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A free book from Terry Bennett “Why We Fight” is a call to battle and well worth the reading. Available for download at this address: It is never too late for individuals to stand up and enlist for the battle in the days ahead. Here is a portion of word the Lord gave to Terry on July 1, 2012. If you want to be one of those referred to below, I encourage you to read this book. A Word for the Body of Christ The Lord says:  The great release of My power and authoritative power and anointing are at hand. Yet, this will not be a general body release, but a specific release, a measured release to and through My refined ones, My spirit trained ones, My shining ones, My prepared and ready Bride. There will be a true Gideon type army who quickly bow and drink of My depths, and who are fully alert and sober. They will be characterized by My character and fervent in their proclamation of My eternal gospel.  Access to My full release will never be realized by demands, force, worthless words, futile formulas, or unfounded faith. a. Christ imbibed humility alone will open the way into initial access. b. Internal transformation into the image of Christ will bring forth His fullness of purpose.  An absolute commitment to the name above all names will be among God’s set apart ones. Christ Himself will be their portion, their reason, their passion, love, and proclamation.  A deep internal conviction to remain small and hidden, allowing Christ alone to be exalted in them, will be the posture and manifestation among My called out ones.  The plumb line ministry of the triumphant eternal Lamb of God will be re-established in this end-time and end of the age season.

  From Greaterworks;
     It is time for the Body of Christ to arise and to WAKE UP! To those who are spreading the false news and to the false prophecies that are going forth and calling what the true Prophets are saying, “gloom and doom”, and to those who are declaring ONLY the good news of mans making in this hour. To those who are out of balance and refusing to accept both the kindness and the severity of the Lord, to those who refuse to make themselves ready as His Bride. To those who are only calling God’s clear warnings “fear”. To those who are hindering the true work of the Lord by keeping people in bondage by only declaring “peace, peace” and refusing to accept the truth of God’s Word.
   PLEASE STOP! YOU ARE PLAYING RIGHT INTO THE DEVILS HANDS! Worse yet, you are feeding others lies that will keep them from preparing for what is to come.
  If you truly believe that the any Prophets are in error for declaring God’s warnings to America, please, let us come and reason together, through the holy scriptures and show by His Word where they are in error.
  Many of you seem to refuse to listen to the Prophets but will say “God told you thus and thus”. Why should anyone believe you over anyone else?
  Please hear our hearts in this. The things I am hearing on face book and you tube from Christians is very alarming. Lives are at stake. Nations are at stake and people want to spout off their opinions, seemingly without the backing of scripture, speaking out against these warnings. This is extremely dangerous and only keeps people confused and in bondage. If you have a clear concise biblical understanding or revelation from His Word that shows that the warnings are false, please share them.
  It seems that many in His Body do not have a clear grasp of the times we are living in nor the discernment to understand. If you truly believe that the warnings are false, we have no problem with that, but to publicly argue against them without clear biblical proof that these warnings are in error is a very dangerous. I have seen Christian leaders make comments on face book that appeared to me to be mocking the Christians who are preparing their hearts and making themselves ready for what is to come, and to be mocking the Prophets and to me, even mocking God by declaring, “nothing will happen in September”.
  My God, wake up and look around you. SOMETHING has been happening and IS happening every day. No, we are not to focus on the natural things going on around us but neither are we to ignore it. We are to overcome it through our intimate relationship with our God. No, we are not to get into fear and yes Jesus is raising up His army and His Body to take and overcome. But to say nothing will happen is reckless and dangerous. Christian children are being beheaded every day and America has made abortion and gay marriages legal yet many want to deny the truth. Do you really believe God will be mocked, “we reap what we sow”?
  Please, read and study the scriptures for yourself. Please, humble yourselves before the Lord and do not be wise in your own eyes. Please allow yourselves to be refined by fire and to go through the process of death to the self life. Please pursue God with all of your hearts for He IS our only hope.
  God is going to use His people, but one more time, He is ONLY going to use those who have allowed themselves to be prepared by the Lord. Yes, Christians, Gods own people will suffer great loss and hardship in this hour and even their lives and the only way for us to overcome is to be “prepared”. The Bride makes herself ready. Everything I am saying is in the bible.
  Can anyone argue that we should not prepare our hearts and pursue God with all of our hearts? Why are so many resisting laying down their lives for God, even unto death? How can we ignore Jesus’ own words about His Kingdom? This is not the time to play games in the Church or with you, your families, and others lives. Are we not to be sober and diligent?
  Love Mark and Catherine

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