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Speaking the truth is not doom and gloom.

Here is an example. Hebrews 11:6 says Noah moved with Godly fear and built an ark. There is a false prophetic today that says there is no trouble is coming. That the economy is not going to go bad. There won’t be natural disasters. I wish that was all true but sticking your head in the sand will not make it go away. It will just make you unprepared for what’s coming. And if you leave your head there, the Russians might pull it out. I’m not kidding. They are planning to come here. People say that’s doom and gloom. Was it doom and gloom when Jesus said in the last days there will be famines, earthquakes, the seas will be roaring, brother will betray brother, the sun will turn to blood and the moon will be darkened, men’s hearts will fail them for fear. People would call Him a doom and gloom but He never left us with doom and gloom. Every time Jesus said something He always gave a word of counsel so that we would prosper. In Luke 21 when He told the things, then He gave the counsel but the church has to do it. He said, “Pray always so that you might be counted worthy to escape all these things.” There’s the counsel. ‘My church shall be called a house of prayer.” But if I stick my head in the sand and say that’s negative, that’s not the love of God, God wouldn’t do that, then you need to reread your Bible and I’m talking about the New Testament.

  We are living in these times where we really need to understand what’s going on. So I’m going to talk to you about some of these things. It says in the days of Noah in Hebrews 11: 7
7 By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not of yet seen, moved
with fear, to prepare an ark for the saving of his house, by which he
condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is
by faith. But Noah was warned of God. He didn’t just say, trust God. He had to do certain things and if he didn’t, he wouldn’t have survived. He warned; that word warned signified or implied that if we don’t hear what God is saying, we’re going to be in jeopardy ourselves and our families. It says to moved with the fear; the word fear it’s not the normal Hebrew word for fear. It means to be circumspect, to be prudent, and to be careful. Noah been warned of God by things not seen, moved circumspectly, carefully with prudence. He got his family through the difficult times in which he was living. It is very foolish to say that God will take care of everything just trust the Lord. Trusting the Lord is just part of it but there is also conditions which we have to understand and move in. We’re coming to the end of one dispensation and entering into another and time is running out so I really need to be candid with you. During the communist uprising in China in the Boxer Revolution and the communists were coming down; the pastors were telling the churches that everything will be alright. That God will take care of them and that He might even rapture you before it gets here, but God has appointed you to tribulation and thousands of them died. Those who got out with the commander Chiang Kai-shek went to Taiwan and were saved. Those Christians who came under terrible persecutions held their pastors responsible and said, “You did not tell us the truth.” There are pastors out there which God will hold you responsible because you’re not telling your people the truth. It is not going to be all right. There are difficult times ahead. We need to understand that. Hallelujah. The days of Noah. We’re living in the days of Noah and the days of Lot. So we need to understand that. I’m sure we’re all aware of the prophetic signs of the blood Moons and we’re living in the last days and were coming up to last blood moons in September. They’ll be no more on consecutive feast days in a Shemitah year. There’ll be no more of these for over 100 years. This is the last one. There is a lot of teaching about keep your eye and the Lord and don’t worry about the blood moons. The Bible says that God sent them in the heavens as a voice for signs and seasons. If you say don’t worry about the blood moons then it’s the same as saying, don’t worry about what God is saying. So let’s be frank. Where too far down the road to not tell the truth. Psalms 19
The heavens declare the glory of God;
But the firmament shows forth His handiwork.
Day unto day they utter speech Talking about the stars, the moon, and the sun.
Day unto day they utter speech
And night unto night reveals knowledge.
3 There is no speech nor language
Where the voice of the stars is not heard.
4 Their line[a] has gone out throughout the whole earth,
And their words to the end of the world. To ignore that is to ignore what God is saying to us. These are the days in which we are living. Hallelujah. Western nations who have a heritage of Christianity are primed now for judgments and blessing. Western nations: that is America, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, and Great Britain. They are primed is because they are covenant nations in a Here is an example. Hebrews 11:6 says Noah moved with Godly fear and built an ark. There is a false prophetic today that says there is no trouble is coming. That the economy is not going to go bad. There won’t be natural disasters. I wish that was all true but sticking your head in the sand will not make it go away. It will just make you unprepared for what’s coming. And if you leave your head there, the Russians might pull it out. I’m not kidding. They are planning to come here. People say that’s doom and gloom. Was it doom and gloom when Jesus said in the last days there will be famines, earthquakes, the seas will be roaring, brother will betray brother, the sun will turn to blood and the moon will be darkened, men’s hearts will fail them for fear. People would call Him a doom and gloom but He never left us with doom and gloom. Every time Jesus said something He always gave a word of counsel so that we would prosper. In Luke 21 when He told the things, then He gave the counsel but the church has to do it. He said, “Pray always so that you might be counted worthy to escape all these things.” There’s the counsel. ‘My church shall be called a house of prayer.” But if I stick my head in the sand and say that’s negative, that’s not the love of God, God wouldn’t do that, then you need to reread your Bible and I’m talking about the New Testament.


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