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Outrageous Freedom!

   We have been given, as a gift, an almost unbelievable freedom in Christ. Paul said “all” things are permissible but not all things are “profitable”. Now that we have been given this freedom and liberty to choose, what will we do with it? How will we honor and value it? Will we choose to do God’s will and use this freedom to bring only ourselves great blessings, which is our God given right, or will we choose to use our liberty, which cost heaven everything, to do God’s perfect will, and use this outrageous freedom to lay down our own lives, and release freedom to the world?
  Our eternal rewards depend on our earthly choices. With great freedom comes greater responsibility. The “purpose” of liberty is love. Love by its very nature must go well beyond the four walls of our insulated, secure, comfortable and safe homes and churches. Will we choose today to “cross over” the river Jordan, or to stay in our safe wilderness experience, which will cause us to miss out on His Higher and Abundant life for us. Rest assured, our Father has not left us as orphans, powerless or helpless but has poured out on each of us His graces in order to be transformed and to bring heaven to earth. None of us would be anywhere without His marvelous grace. Gal. 5:13 Amp. For you brethren, were indeed called to freedom, only do not let your freedom be an incentive to your flesh and an opportunity or excuse for selfishness, but through love you should serve one another.
   Love Mark and Catherine

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