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The Bride Makes Herself Ready!

We find some of the responses to prepare for what is ahead for all of us quite interesting. Some scoff, some defend, some fear, some remain unchanged, and some grasp the truth with excitement and joy! I suppose that is simply human nature. The only purpose in teaching about what is ahead for us all, is to help motivate us all to seek a deeper relationship with Holy Spirit. We must begin to understand the times we are living in, biblically speaking. Many seem to want to debate about where we are truly at, as individuals, the church, and in this moment of time, based on what Joe Smoe says or even what some well known name or names say.

 Although we use what others are saying or teaching to help get the word out, ( to help prepare us), most of what we are saying is based on what the Word of God says and admittedly, my limited understanding of it. It is not so important to be exactly right on every point as it is to motivate the average believer to move on into intimacy with Christ, to seek Him and His Word, daily, for themselves, and not just depend on what we are anybody else is saying. Our hope is for us not to settle where we are at and also not to be lulled into a false sense of security. Please allow me to try to explain.
  I cannot or will not attempt to judge where anyone is at in there own personal  walk with God but I can speak freely and openly, in general terms, about where the corporate church currently is. Frankly, I don’t care how mature we as individuals are currently at, we are way behind as individuals and especially corporately. We need to get over ourselves and grow up, in Him. The false sense of security we speak of has nothing to do with salvation or going to heaven. It has to do with believing as long as we are saved, God is pleased with everything we are doing, with every choice we make, and that no matter what happens in this earth, He is automatically just going to take care of me and no harm will come to us, and we will not have to go through any trials or suffering of any sort. Come on now, that simply is not what the bible or anyone in the bible says.
 How do we know where the corporate church currently is? It is simple as following Israel from Genesis to Revelation. Read the stories of real human life in the pages of the bible. Look at the struggle between the repeated rebellion of man and the goodness of God. We are following the human pattern to the tee. Why do we find it so hard to believe both the kindness and the severity of God is coming to America and the earth when this is the exact pattern with Israel?  Repeatedly God judged Israel then restored them.  We must quit kicking against the goads and begin to understand and accept the perilous times we live in and spiritually prepare. Not in any kind of fear,  but in taking our responsibility to mature and to become Christlike seriously.
 Human wisdom and understanding is absolutely useless to overcoming death, hell, sickness, poverty, demons, and the darkness that  is being released upon this earth right now. All the money in the world will not solve the sin issue of this planet. We must utterly and completely shift our dependency on mammon, human  govts., humanism, science, medicine, any and all forms of human wisdom, over to a true dependency on God and His Kingdom. Nothing less then our total surrender to Christ will do. We simply will not become  overcomers in Him unless we know Him intimately. Our motivation for all of this is simply because we love Him and we want to be in    position to honor Him with His inheritance and reward.
  God indeed does have great and mighty plans for His true Bride, who has allowed the painful process of “making Herself ready”.          This is “only” done by our choice and by our will. This process is not automatic as many suppose. (see Esher). Jesus is indeed building His church and the gates of hell will “not” prevail against Her.This will be the churches finest hour but do not be deceived,  God is not mocked. We must position ourselves in Him by faith, and then “act” in faith. This will require a great surrender and total trust in His works of grace in our lives. Simply doing nothing to prepare will result in great loss. Our preparation involves us being willing to pursue God with a “whole” heart and desiring intimacy with Him more than anything else.
                                                                                                                                                                 Love Mark and Catherine

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