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Living From the Inside Out.

To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery…which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Col. 1:27)

Friend, this is what our flesh is demanding. Clearly this is what we have been looking for all along. Even if you have encountered God at some point but have become distracted by sin, complacency, compromise, or simply the busyness of life, this is exactly what the need and craving of our hearts is and what we need to re-sign up to pursue.
  It’s not good enough to just have ideas about God stirred up, we have to come in contact with the living God and have experiential knowledge of Him from the inside. It’s not good enough to only attend a sweet worship event or a speaker-packed conference or even read a good book about God. We desperately need a personal encounter that erupts from personal devotion and worship.
  I’m not talking about a bunch of hype that is frantic in sort of worship service that is only outward in appearance. The one-time “hit” is only surface. I’m talking about the ecstasy that fills your very soul with the beauty and glory of God that lives in you. I am talking about your eyes being enlightened and you able to see Him and commune with Him for yourself. I am talking about being fascinated with God either for the first time or once again. This is the best life!
  J.I. Packer, in his book Knowing God, says, “Once you become aware that the main business that you are here for is “to know God”, most of life’s problems fall into place of their own accord.” Once we come to searching the depths of God, all the big issues in our life fall to the wayside. They seem so insignificant to knowing and searching out God. A.W.Tozer says, ” The man who comes to right belief about God is relieved of 10,000 temporal problems.
  This is from the 1st chapter of the book by Antonio Baldovinos, Living from the inside out.

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