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Were you healed at a Great Works meeting or in our online healing rooms? Submit a testimony!

Jesus Healed My Back!

During a meeting in Roundup, Montana, Barbara experienced a miraculous healing. Here’s what she has to say about it:

I have had severe low back pain for most of my life. I have had many, many prayers for it, and I knew [that] God had heard my prayers and that I am healed — I just kept looking for the manifestation of that healing.

When I went to Mark and Cathy’s Healing teaching, I was in a great deal of pain. As I sat there when worship started I didn’t think I would be able to “enter in” [because of] the pain. Finally, I decided I would worship God and help to break through the barriers that seemed to keep people stuck in their seats, and I got up and began to pray in the Spirit and worship. I kept praying for “break through” and after a long time, began to get a sense that, indeed, we had begun to break through.

As Mark led us in a prayer toward the end of his teaching, I was sitting down, and as he prayed for healing for us I began to feel great heat in my lower back area. I kept my hand on my back and it became very, very hot, so much so that I took my jacket off. Mark said for us to see the “present” Jesus was offering to us and I just leaned in to it and accepted the gift. As the heat continued, the Lord gave me a picture of a time when I was a very little girl — perhaps about 5 — and I had fallen off my Grannie’s porch onto a bucket she had buried in the ground. It was a very serious head injury where I lost consciousness and they rushed me to the hospital. He showed me that when I had landed on my head that the two lowest vertebrae had jammed together and that that was the source of the pain I would experience up until the present.

Throughout my childhood and into adulthood, I was hard on my back and did not take care of myself in a good way. I had been in a very violent marriage where I was “tossed around a lot,” and had since done much forgiving and cleaning-up of my past, but I just always was left with the idea that there was something I was missing. Jesus revealed to me the completed picture and I was healed. I am walking like a new woman today, and am in awe of His healing love. Thank you so much, Mark and Cathy, for your dedication, love, and faith.

Barbara Jenkins
Roundup, MT

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