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Were you healed at a Great Works meeting or in our online healing rooms? Submit a testimony!

Swelled Stomach and Hard Spot Gone!

Thank you so much for your servant heart…this morning the swelling is totally gone as is the hardness, the belly button is back to its original size.  My weight this a.m. was less than it has been for a very long time.  I must admit the area is sore but healing has occurred and now we rejoice.
We love you Mark
Sam and Lynn

Soreness is gone!!!!

Hi bro – I mean to tell you that what was happening in my intestinal tract is healed…noooooooooooooooooooo more pain in any area!!! No more symptoms as there was that night you came over.  My stomach remains flat, with no pain or hardness or swelling and though I cannot tell, I truly sense the tear has been healed.  Thank you again.
Obedience always produces some form of blessing, and seeking God before a doctor in my case produced my healing!
Yea God.  I am beyond joy at this very moment.

I am enjoying no more pain!! I mean to tell you my healing is complete, complete, complete….I want to shout it from the mountaintop, and I want to whisper it into the ears of those losing hope that their healing will come…Praise the Lord!!! I truly cannot find words to express my gratitude so I will just speak in the spirit and let praise arise from within my soul.  Gee, do you think I am happy or what?

Above is 4 different emails I received over a few day period from the same person over the same miracle. In this instance we did not lay hands on this man, we only took communion and claimed his healing according to His precious shed blood on the cross.

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