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A Single Eye/1

Behold, you are fair, My love; behold, you are fair; you have doves’ eyes. S. of S. 1:15

  The Bridegroom has seen within the Bride a quality that attracted His singular attention toward her. She has a “single eye” that is focused upon Him. Therefore, He sees her in a different relationship to Himself than many Daughters of Jerusalem. His favor or “approval” now rests upon her as He begins the process of drawing her to Himself, as His Bride.
  There are two different levels of relationship in our spiritual development. The first level finds its outworking “within us.” Deep within each of us is a “chamber within our spirit,” which we are to make ready, and into which we, “as a Bride” are to receive our Heavenly Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus. Here, He will begin the process of separating us from all that hinders our having a single eye toward Him in order to become His Bride. Rev. 19:7
  The second level of relationship in our spiritual development finds its outworking “within His throne.” Here, “as a mature son” (overcomer) we are brought into the chamber which He has made ready, the throne of the resurrected and ascended Lord Jesus Christ. Rev. 3:21, To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne.
  Corresponding to the two levels of “relationship” are two areas of “experience” in our identification with the Lord. The first finds its fulfillment within the depths of our being, the “chamber of our spirit,” where we, through our worship, devotion, and submission to Jesus, experientially relate to Him as being a Bride. As we (respond- a reply or answer in words, to react favorably), to the seeking presence of our Heavenly Bridegroom (Jesus) and open our spirit to Him, He will enlarge the spiritual capacity that is within us. This will result in our having a gradual developed ability to enter into and enjoy quality times of intimate fellowship and communion with Jesus.
  The second area of experience is encountered in the “chamber of His throne”, where we, through our overcoming “obedience” and cooperation with Jesus, are raised up into a place of identification with Him, as being a son. As times in which we “over-come” begin to outnumber our “short comings”, we are approaching spiritual maturity. This increase in our spiritual capacity will enable the Lord to impart to us understanding of “KINGDOM” principles and how the Kingdom functions. This understanding will equip us for participation with Him in His throne, as a son.
  For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives. Hebrews 12:6. If we suffer, we shall reign with Him….2nd Tim. 2:12.
  These chambers represent the ground upon which we meet and interact with our Lord. They refer to our redemptive relationship to Him as a Bride and as a son. In order to properly function in these parallel relationship, there must be resident within us an abiding sensitivity to His voice and His presence. This will “require” of us a settled , determined, upward set (anticipation) in our spirit toward fully knowing and obeying the Lord.
  The key to walking into the full outworking of these two experiences is for us to willingly and lovingly open our hearts to Jesus Christ, abandoning our hearts to Him in full commitment, expressing to Him our love and “trust” and our desire to obey Him. In response, He will meet us in the chamber of our spirit so that we as His Bride may enjoy times of intimate communion with Him. At other times He will lead us, as a son, into the chamber of His throne, where we will be enabled to participate with Him in the outworking of His purposes concerning mankind. Rom. 8:17
  To move past a mere superficial or shallow external relationship with the Lord, (one where we only seek His blessings), we must be “willing” to surrender our entire being to Him. This “willingness”, to make ourselves ready, (the single eye), causes our Bridegroom to take special notice of us. In His favor, He begins to draw us ever closer to Himself, in times of intimacy and sweet communion. As the relationship of the Bride grows and increases, Jesus Himself will then take us even deeper, as we cooperate in loving obedience to Him, into “His throne”, as a son, where we begin to understand our KINGDOM relationship with Him.

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