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Today I want to share a bit about why it is so important to pursue an intimate relationship with God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

1. The primary reason is because this is the very heart of the Father. The reason Jesus died on the cross was to “restore right relationship” with the Father that was broken in the Garden of Eden.
   We have been invited into a love relationship with Jesus Christ. He has personally extended to us an invitation to become His Bride. The Bride makes herself ready. (Rev. 19:7).
  There is no greater earthly relationship then between a Bridegroom and His Bride. There is no relationship that is more personal or intimate than that of a Husband and a Wife. We have been invited into the marriage supper of the Lamb. (Rev. 19:9). The intimate and everlasting union with Christ of His Church.
  Please read John Chapter 15. John 17:13-26.
2. The Father desires that we “know Him” and His love for us. Our heavenly Father is not satisfied that we only know “about” Him. He greatly desires that we know Him personally and intimately. He wants us to KNOW His love for us. He not only loves us, He is in Love with us. We can never truly be His, until we know His love in our hearts.
  Ps. 91:1 invites each one of us into “the secret place” of the Most High God. He who “dwells” in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty, Whose power no foe can withstand. Let that sink in for a moment. Don’t just read Ps. 91, learn to live from it, to abide in it, under the shadow of the wings of the Most High God.
  Jesus invited us in John 15 to “abide” in Him. He said if we did, we could have whatever we ask. Why? Because we know His love first hand and when we have His joy it brings pleasure to the Father. We were created to give Him pleasure. In John 10:14 the Shepherd said that He knew and recognized His own and His own knew and recognized Him. He went on to say in verse 27 that His sheep hear and are listening to His voice, and I know them and they follow Me.
  The cry of Paul’s heart in Phil. 3:8-14 was to “know Christ”. To actually be found in Him. Jesus sadly said to some who even practiced genuine power in the Holy Spirit, depart from Me, I never knew you. (Matt. 7:23).
  Jesus said, you cannot have any life in you unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, unless you appropriate His life and the saving merit of His blood. He who “feeds” on My flesh and drinks My blood has, possesses now, eternal life….for my flesh is true and genuine food and My blood is and genuine drink. For who we feeds on my flesh and drinks My blood, “dwells” continually in Me, and I, in like manner dwell continually in Him.
  Eating and drinking Him denotes a very high form of intimacy. This kind of relationship is not automatic as some suppose or the scriptures would not have to exhort us to pursue Him with all of our hearts. He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Heb. 11:6).
  This is not about anything but the relentless pursuit of our God for no other reason, than we love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, and only desire to seek His face, because it makes Him happy.
  Will you accept the invitation today? Love Mark and Catherine

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