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Changing of the guard. Neville Johnson


Neville Johnson’s newsletter, which was sent out yesterday, shares some interesting insights about what he saw coming at the end of 2015. Neville Johnson is founder of Living Word Academy and The Academy of Light. The following provides excerpts from his newsletter.

“In an encounter with the Lord on 25th of November 2015, I heard these words which were spoken very authoritatively in a way that demanded my complete attention.

‘The end of this year will usher in the changing of the guard. This brought back memories of when I was a child watching the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace in London England.’

As I was pondering what the Lord had just said to me I remembered a powerful dream that I had in 1986.  In this dream I was standing outside a Parade Ground where I knew a changing of the guard was taking place. As I watched this a flag was taken down by a man with a white beard, he then rolled it up then turned and looked straight at me for about ten seconds. In my mind I knew who this man was. He then started to walk over to me looking intently at me and said, “It is your turn now” handing me the flag. I took the flag and woke up with a powerful presence of the Lord in the room.

The man who gave the flag to me was William Booth the founder of the Salvation Army.  My mother was a Salvation Army officer before meeting my father and both were baptised in the Holy Spirit under the ministry of Smith Wigglesworth.    My uncle who was brought up in the Salvation Army also was baptised in the Holy Spirit and became a powerful preacher in the Welsh Revival. The flag I was given was emblazoned with fire and I knew it was the Salvation Army flag.  I became very much aware of the passing of an Old Guard, spiritual fathers and mothers who had run their course.

This November when the Lord spoke to me He strongly emphasized that the end of this year we would again see a changing of the guard and that this would have profound consequences. Batons and mantles, which have been passed on, will be powerfully activated in a way that would be much greater in power and authority than the former holders of these batons had experienced. The Lord also spoke to me concerning a removal of many in ministry who were not teaching holiness and sanctification and were using their ministry for personal gain. However many of the old guard who had been faithful to the Lord would be taken home.

We must understand the times and seasons because major change is about to occur in the church, and a new emphasis of making the bride ready unfolds. God will no longer tolerate Luke-Warmness and the chaff will be removed and separated from the wheat. This is necessary in order for the last great harvest can be gathered in.  This changing of the guard will have great consequences both good and bad. We are running out of time as it were and God will no more tolerate sin, pride, and evil motives, He is about to cleanse His church.

The best lies just ahead of us now. We need to come before the Lord renewing our absolute commitment to Him sanctifying ourselves to the Lord at a deeper level moving on from the bondservant relationship to becoming a friend of God. We need to refresh our walk with the Lord walking in humility and surrender to Him. Many are falling through pride as Satan is stepping up His onslaught against the children of God. On the other hand the coming changing of the Guard will bring about a new day with the true church walking in holiness and righteousness like never before.”



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