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August 2018

12 Steps to Becoming Addicted to Jesus

Now, I must admit I hate human, religious programs. I describe programs as human wisdom and intellectual knowledge that is nothing more than a religious exercise that produces no heavenly fruit nor having any eternal value. Its source was not birthed from Holy Spirit but rather from the mind of men.

So, labeling this the 12 step program sort of pokes fun at the wisdom of men and hopefully leads to a healthy, daily addiction in the spirit. I don’t know about you, but I have a deep desire to be addicted to Jesus.

This is designed to be a launching point, a way, not the only way, to help people who do not know how, to begin to walk out an intimate relationship with God. It’s really not a program, it’s a relationship. God is not an appointment, HE IS OUR VERY LIFE!!

This will take 12 weeks as we are to emphasize one step each week. This can be done individually or in a group. I want to encourage you to form a small group to help and encourage each other and to share with each other the challenges and the victories of walking with God through each step. We can share with each other our own personal testimonies and experiences each week to help each other grow in the beginning steps to intimacy.

I purposely added no scriptures so we each could take the time to seek God and look up our own scriptures through experience that fit each step for us personally. In each step, each week, what scriptures does Holy Spirit speak personally to you to build each step of progress? Each step brings us closer to the chambers of His heart. Oh, what a glorious place to be!

Now let us get started on a wonderful adventure in seeking a love relationship with Jesus, learning to hear His voice more clearly as we each day draw closer to Him in a very personal way.

If you have any questions please feel free to email us. We would love to hear from each one of you on how your progress is going. We may share what you are experiencing with our team or others to encourage them.

Thank you! Love Mark and Cathy

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