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July 2018

Hello everyone,

How are you all doing? We hope you are doing well in the Lord. Its been awhile since we sent out a report. Papa is rolling out His grace and love like never before upon His people.

We are very excited!!! Next year we will be hosting an apostolic minister and his team from Florida for at least a week here in Dipolog. This is an answer to prayer. It has long been on our hearts for Daddy to send someone here who has a heart to serve the people instead of those who come to be served. We are desperate for experienced, seasoned, five fold ministers to come to our island and impart their anointing to us. We need Jesus, His love, His grace and His power demonstrated here from five fold fathers who come only to give what Papa has given them to His children. With this team we will likely be doing evangelistic, open air crusades, and meetings with all the general population of the churches, and exclusive meetings just for pastors and leaders. It will be a power packed time in the Holy Spirit! They may be bringing a team of 14 here, as that is what they usually travel with to Brazil, Guatemala and Nicaragua. They are currently in Nicaragua. Please pray with us for God’s best to be poured out here through them.

We have been meeting each week with around 20 to 24 pastors for prayer. There are many 24-7 prayer houses forming all around the world, including here, preparing His Bride for the great end time harvest of souls. These pastor led prayer meetings are very important because it fosters unity and love for one another as we get to know the person and their heart, their desires and their personal struggles. It brings a human element into our lives instead of criticizing one another. This is just the beginning of a move of God here, an apostolic reformation to shift the church away from religious mindsets, old wine skins or traditional ways of doing things which bear little fruit, into seeking God for His wisdom, His way, and His structures for church building and planting.

A few weeks ago while waiting on the Lord, I heard Him tell us to give our Pajero, (four wheel drive s.u.v.) away to a certain pastor. Cathy and I prayed and sought the Lord and it was confirmed to us to indeed give it to this pastor. On Saturday, we handed it over to him and all the paperwork with keys right before we all went to the pastors prayer meeting. At the prayer meeting, when the leader asked if anyone had a testimony, this pastor stood up and shared how he had prayed for 30 years for a vehicle. Yup, 30 years!!! He stood so humble and cried tears of joy as he gave glory to the Lord for answered prayer. Thankfully, he never mentioned how he came by the vehicle. We were both thinking, would we be willing to pray for 30 years or would we be discouraged and give up after, like 20 years??? It truly is more blessed to give than to receive. None of this would have been possible without YOUR generous giving to our ministry. Thank you all so very, very much!!!

Many, many are being blessed by the boxes full of clothes, shoes and household items. We have been inviting a few single mothers to come over and pick out whatever they need for themselves and their children and this has meant so much to them. One mother asked us, why do you give this stuff to us? Think about that for one minute please. She had never been given an opportunity like this before. We told her just so she can be blessed and that the stuff is not really from us but from a Father who loves her very much through the generous people in America.

We have been giving the much needed dry boxes of milk to different mothers who really appreciate it. We have one grandmother who is taking care of 11 grandchildren who have been abandoned by their parents. Imagine that. Her own different children had babies and then walked away from them, leaving them with their mother, doing absolutely nothing to help her or their own kids. She has been receiving milk, clothes, toys and various other items that came from you. She is so precious. I cry as I write these things to you, reliving each moment in my heart.

We want to thank each one of you for your personal part in blessing us and so many others with your generous time, hard work and giving. May the Lord pour out His love and healing to each one of you and May He meet every spiritual, emotional, relational, financial and personal need that you have, according to His riches in glory. Jesus said to seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things would be added to us.

Love you guys!!! Mark and Cathy